Investor FAQs

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When was Amalgamated Bank founded?
Amalgamated Bank was founded in 1923 in New York City by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, where it became the city’s first labor bank.
Where is Amalgamated Bank headquartered?
275 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10001
What are Amalgamated Bank’s primary businesses?
Amalgamated Bank is a commercial bank with more than $7.8 billion in assets, and a chartered trust company with over $53.6 billion in assets under management and custody.
What regions does Amalgamated Bank service?
Amalgamated Bank’s footprint is purposefully positioned to serve a large and growing population of values-driven and socially responsible businesses and individuals in New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Boston.
What is Amalgamated Bank’s core mission?
From its founding by a union 100 years ago, Amalgamated Bank remains committed to supporting financial equity through access to banking products and services. Amalgamated also believes banks can be a force for good, from promoting wage fairness and job creation and providing services for values driven clients to investing in a cleaner, greener future. Amalgamated is working to build a better world.
How many employees does Amalgamated Bank have?
As of December 31, 2023, Amalgamated Bank had 425 full-time employees.
Who are the Executives and Board Members of Amalgamated Bank?
Information about Amalgamated Bank’s management team can be found by accessing this link and information about the Board of Directors can be found by accessing this link.
When was Amalgamated Bank’s initial public offering (IPO)?
Amalgamated Bank priced its Initial Public Offering on August 8, 2018 and began publicly trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market (NASDAQ) on August 9, 2018.
What is the stock symbol for Amalgamated Bank and on what exchange are the shares listed?
Class A shares of Amalgamated Bank’s common stock are listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market (NASDAQ) under the ticker symbol ‘AMAL’.
How can we obtain a copy of Amalgamated Bank’s Offering Circular?
Electronic copies of the offering circular can be found by accessing the following link.
How can I purchase shares of Amalgamated Bank?
Amalgamated Bank common stock can be purchased in the open market through any registered broker.
Who is Amalgamated Bank’s transfer agent and what is the contact information?
The transfer agent and registrar for Amalgamated Bank’s Class A common stock is American Stock Transfer. The transfer agent can be contacted as follows:


(800) 937-5449 or (718) 921-8124

Written Correspondence:
American Stock Transfer
6201 15th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Does Amalgamated Bank pay a quarterly dividend?
For information on Amalgamated’s dividends please click here
When is Amalgamated Bank’s fiscal year end?
Amalgamated Bank’s fiscal year end is December 31st.
Who is Amalgamated Bank’s Independent Auditor?
Amalgamated Bank’s independent auditor is Crowe LLP.
How do I contact Amalgamated Bank’s Investor Relations department with a question or request?
You can contact Amalgamated Bank Investor Relations department via email at
Where can I find all of Amalgamated Bank’s FDIC filings? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other FDIC filings, can be accessed on the Investor Relations section of the Amalgamated Bank website.
Where can I request to receive all FDIC filings, annual reports, and/or proxy statements electronically?
Please register your email address using the following link to receive news updates and FDIC alerts: Email Alerts.
What are the latest headlines for Amalgamated Bank?
Amalgamated Bank’s latest corporate-related news releases can be accessed in our newsroom here.
When is Amalgamated Bank’s next earnings release?
Information about Amalgamated Bank’s next earnings release can be viewed, when available, by visiting the Upcoming Events section of our Investor Relations website or by clicking here.
How do I get added to Amalgamated Bank’s email distribution list?
Please visit the email alert section of our website or click here.